Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Web Host

To update this, everything is now working (4/23/09). The problems were mostly theirs and a little mine. The Website was a DNS problem between my computer and their DNS's. The other two, e-mail and ftp, were fixed yesterday evening. I'm still puzzled they don't ask what kind of computer you have before sending you instructions. All the instructions were for PC's and not Mac's, and I had to translate the same tools and settings.

My Website host is Rainier Connect, a small area communications company who bought out my old host Harbornet, which had an office just a few miles away. Well, every since the transfer of computers, files and accounts last fall, there have been more problems than the previous years with Harbornet. And now three times in the last two week I haven't been able to access my Website or ftp server and the mail servers are iffy at best.

And during those three outages, I get some good people but always, "Well, we're ok, so please check the preferences and settings on your PC, and maybe consider rebooting it. Well, each time I have to say, "But I have a Mac G5 and it was working fine and then quit working." I want to yell, "What don't you understand it's not me?!"

Why do they do that, simply assume we're the problem? We're writing the checks for their service and it's bordering on sucking badly right now. Yeah, it's just a rant or vent for the moment and not really serious. Except I'm trying to work on professional stuff when I can't and paying a Website host good money for something I'm not getting.

Oh well, life can be a bitch at times, and there's nothing you can do except something else.

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