Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Rape is Rape

Much against what the members of the Virginia legislature think of their bill for a specific type of ultrasound before having an abortion, even against the woman's rights and decision and against the doctor's recommendation, rape as defined by federal law is still rape, the forced penetration of a woman's vagina against her wishes.

That is exactly what that bill will do, sanction the state to demand a doctor commit rape of a woman prior to an abortion. This violates the hypocratic oath doctors swear to uphold. This violates the woman. This violates the law. Plain and simple. It's rape, no less if it was done by a rapist.

Those supporting this bill are defacto rapists trying to legalize rape for their own views and beliefs. And the governor agrees with them, calling it fair and proper. Would any of them, especially the governor, still believe it if their daughter wanted an abortion and she had to experience that test?

The conservative and religious extremist want small government except in the bedroom and a woman's body. There they want total control of what happens between two people and with a woman's reproductive healthcare. They want this over all people and over all women. Everywhere and all the time.

That's not small government, it's what Rick Santorum criticizes the Democrats and the President for being, Nazis. He wants that control as much as Hitler wanted it in Germany in the 1930's. Mr. Santorium has said as much about the opponents but maybe he should be looking out a window instead of looking in a mirror.

He's talking about himself. He's deciding for everyone who they should be and what they should do. Not really should so much as must be and must do. He's Hitler reincarnated as a religious zealot disguised as a presidential candidate and he's preaching to his faith, his party of followers, who like the early followers of Hitler, drank the cool-aid and believed the message as gospel.

And his gospel is his version of the Bible and Christianity. He's even called followers of non-Catholic dominations as heretics, against his view of God, Jesus and the Bible. Change the book and you have Nazism. You have someone who wants to be in total control of Americans, deciding what's right, his right and everything else as wrong, evil and illegal.

And those in the Virginia legislature aren't much different, just in Virginia. But all said and done, it's still rape and rape is still rape. And conspiracy to commit rape disguised as this law is also rape. No less invasive and no less a crime.

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