Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Totally Inept Congress

Yes, we know they're not doing much beyond talking, blaming the other side for all the problems things aren't getting done in Congress, but two recent pieces of news really highlights the point that while it's been mostly the Republicans, it's really the Democrats who lack in conviction to do anything beyond pointing verbal fingers.

And this is true because? Well, on the Rachel Maddow, she listed the 290 bills in the Senate which have passed the House, many with strong Republican support, waiting for a vote. But because the Republicans are threatening to filibuster any, and really all, of the 290 bills, remember they're the party of no, the Democrats won't challenge them to filibuster, even those bills their own party in the House want passed.

The Democrats, under Harry Reid, are afraid. Pure and unadulterated fear. No backbone, no balls, no anything. They would rather show they're to blame than show who's really to blame. The answer is simple. Make the Republicans filibuster. Show the American people how ridiculus they really are and ask the American people, "Is this what you want?"

The Democrats are blowing the perfect 2010 campaign slogan, proving the incumbant Republicans are the party of "No!" and to elect the Democrat to get the work and business of this country's government done. It's what the American people want and deserve for all the money we're paying. And the Democrats are too afraid so they sit on their hands.

The Republicans have never stopped at showing the Democrats as fools when they controlled Congress. They always made the point who's to blame, not them but the Democrats. The Republicans have verbally bludgeoned the Democrats into submission under the Bush administration. And the Democrats never stood up, not even for themselves but to whimper.

And for that, they and Harry Reid deserves to lose in 2010. The Republicans only want to stop President Obama and the Democrats from doing anything, even things the Republicans want and would support, and have in the past proposed. They have proven and are showing we'll tolerate their bullshit rhetoric and their stall tactics. They're betting on it this fall. And they know the Democrats are too scared to challenge them, especially Harry Reid.

I hope the Democrats change, and maybe give Harry Reid some balls and a backbone. 290 bills are waiting his ok to go to the floor for a vote. And if the Republicans filibuster, so be it. We'll see it and understand, but until you do that Mr. Reid, we won't and we'll blame you and the Democrats for doing nothing.

On another note, the Republican healthcare plan. When you read it, or what's available, it's simple. It's more of the same and more promises to lower premiums, cover more people and reduce medical costs. All because the insurance companies will volunteer to do that. That's their plan and message. Trust the insurance companies.

Like we have been doing? Like we have 8-10% of American uninsured and another 8-10% underinsured? That's 30-40 million Americans. Like the cause of most personal or family bankruptcies for the last 10 years has been for medical bills? Like the Republicans had from 1994-2006 to fix it and they did nothing?

That's NOTHING. Except help the companies get richers, Americans get poorer, and all but the wealthy get worse health insurance at higher premiums. That's what they did. That's what got us here and all I hear and read from the Republicans is more of the same, help the companies get richer, we get poorer and get less insurance for higher premiums.

And that's healthcaare reform? Giving the insurance companies incentives, like tax cuts and exemptions, to promise to do better? They're some of the richest, most profitable companies in this country, and you think they'll really do what you ask them to promise?

Notice they're not promising anything. The Republicans are offering them incentives to promise.

In the end, it won't change anything beyond a few improvements, few for the American people, especially those 15-20% who can't afford insurance or can't afford decent insurance. The Republican plan won't guarrantee access to mandatory coverage (pre-existing conditions), won't guarrantee prohibitions for companies from cancelling coverage (excessive costs), and won't guarrantee minimium premium increases (anything, any amount).

That's their plan. And it's take it or leave it. They're selling it as the right of people to choice. What choice? What improved choices? What lower premiums? What? They won't spell it out. They won't guarrantee their plan will actually work. They won't promise solving the problem. They're only offering smoke and rhetoric.

Their answer is simple. Appear to do something but really do nothing. Just more of the same. And it's why they're threatening to filibuster any Democratic plan. And we get screwed. Tails they win, heads we lose. Tossing the coin doesn't matter. The Republicans control things and the Democrats won't challenge them.

So to Harry Reid, get some balls and a backbone or face the reality. The reality the American people really hate Democrats, and it will be your fault. Change the rules. It's doable and we want action and results. Nothing less anymore. We elected you, so do your damn job for us. For a change.

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