Saturday, November 1, 2008

Choice is freedom

I've written about my views on abortion, but any vote about abortion isn't about abortion, it's about freedom and choice. And it's not about whether you're for or against abortion, it's about your view that women have choices and women have the freedom to make the best choice for them, and not restricted by someone else's believe, religion or values. It is that simple.

You see freedom is about access to the full range and diversity of information and choices. If we begin to restrict choices we begin to restrict information. The more we restrict information, the less knowledgeable our society is about the whole of our life and humanity. And the more we do that, we narrow our views where we can't see anything beyond our narrow personal interests.

And that's where some who is pro-choice is really about the whole. The whole suite of information about sex eduction, reproductive rights, birth control, pregnancy and birth, and if necessary, abortion, especially when it involves the health of the woman, in the case of rape or incest, or for the woman's personal reasons.

When you begin to restrict that, you begin to hurt our society with less knowledgeable people. And what's also not understood is that pro-choice advocates aren't for abortion as the only option, but for the whole range of information and choices for women. They believe women should be smart and should have the freedom to access the information and make the best choice for them.

As we all know from history, restricting the choice of abortion hasn't and won't eliminate abortion. It's always been there and always will, no matter how hard the anti-abortionists try to make it illegal. And we also know restricting the information about sex education, reproductive rights and birth control won't make women, especially young women, only choose abstinence. And it certainly hasn't and won't stop teen pregnancy.

And the Republican Vice Presidential candidate is the best example of this with her 17 year old pregnant daughter. And she is the spokeswoman for the anti-abortionist. As much as she can talk about the virtues of pro-life and anti-abortion, and all the restrictions on teens to the information, it doesn't work when you daughter wasn't listening and learned the way many other young women learn.

She is now an example of history. So why not vote for freedom and choice, and if the women doesn't like abortion as a choice, that's a choice she can make, as all women can make. That's what freedom is about, the freedom for choices. Why not vote for that?

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