Friday, October 3, 2008

Can someone explain

Can someone explain to me, anyway, how the repubublican candidate for President and Vice President can tell the American people how bad everything is in Washington D.C., from the Iraq war to the economy, when for the last nearly 8 years a republican President and for 6 of those years a Republican-controlled Congress have been in charge?

Can someone explain how a 26 years Senator can call himself an outsider?

Can someone explain how a Vice Presidential candidate from Alaska with less than two years of executive experience can call herself experienced?

Can someone explain why the republicans can demand we open up the off-shore coastline to oil drilling now, but won't demand the oil and natural gas companies drill on the 85 million acres they already have leases for in the continental US? Where there is more oil and natural gas there than off-shore?

Can someone explain how the Governor of Alaska can demand we drill on federal lands there, especially in ANWR, now but won't open up the vast acreages the State owns in Alaska for oil and natural gas exploration and production?

Can someone explain how a mother who wants the schools to teach abstinence to teenagers have a pregnant daughter? And still can herself a good mother?

Can someone explain how a Governor who raised taxes in the State of Alaska tell folks she cut taxes?

Can someone explain how anyone who believes in equal rights for everyone and equal protection in the eyes of the law demand inequality when it suits them? Or does equal rights only apply to those like them?

Can someone explain how people can say a 17 year old pregnant white girl is socially acceptable today but a 17 year old pregnant black girl stil isn't?

Can someone explain why people demand less taxes but demand more money from the government for social, education, healthcare, infrastucture, national emergencies, and other programs because it's needed?

Can someone explain how people can demand cost-cutting, efficiency and productivity in government spending except for the military and homeland security?

Can someone explain how all the rules governing air travel and air travellers has yet to lead to the arrest, indictment and prosecution of a terrorist?

Can someone explain how our government now considers every citizen the enemy and everyone is a potential if not possible terrorist?

Can someone explain what happened to our privacy and our right to privacy without suggesting it's about terrorism? Who does the government think are terrorists? Us?

Can someone explain how lying to the American people in the case for war isn't crimes and misdemeanors as defined in the Constitution but lying about sex is?

Can someone explain how a Presidential candidate can look at you through the TV cameras and lie, even in the face of the obvious truth and reality, and we don't call them for it? Where's the media?

Can someone explain how a Vice President can destroy thousands of e-mails and papers in violation of the law isn't a crime but erasing 18 minutes of a tape was?

Can someone explain how using non-government e-mail accounts for government business and communication in violation of the law and no one holds them accountable?

Can someone explain how a Presidential candidate rail against earmarks in Congressional bills and then sign major bills with hundreds of earmarks in it?

Can somone explain how a President can vow to veto a bill with earmarks sign that very same bill into law?

Can someone explain how our elected representatives say they're on our side and them pass a bill that doesn't help us but hurts us?

Can someone explain how every republican president in the last 40 years promised to cut government and govenment spending and then increase government more and spend more than any Democratic president in the last 40 years?

Can someone explain how we can listen to a politician talk without saying anything substantive and call it substantive? When does meaningless and empty become something and substantive?

Can someone explain how we can rail at poltiicians who engage in deficit spending and then keep electing them to do more?

Can someone explain when we will wake to realize there is nothing left in the budget after we pay the interest on the debt, the mandated program (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid), and the military and homeland security? When there is no more money, what will we do?

Can someone explain what we will do when other nations who hold most of our $11+ Trillion national debt want to cash out?

Can someone explain when we will leave Iraq? Or is the question how many lives will we lose before we realize we're never leaving Iraq?

Can someone explain when we will realize people really aren't the problem but guns are?

Can someone explain when we will realize owning guns really doesn't make us safer?

Can someone explain how protecting a fetus is more important than helping an unwanted child?

Can someone explain how we still haven't learned Martin Luther King's words?

Can someone explain how race still keeps sneaking in between people and their words?

Can someone explain what we will say and do when we realize we've destoryed the planet beyond its ability to replenish itself? And our ability to save it?

Can someone explain what "I told you so." means when it's too late?

Can someone explain how people who ignore history explain it when it comes back to bite them?

Can someone explain if there is only one God why there are so many Gods?

Can someone explain how a religious person can call their enemy an extremist but not themselves when the expound the same ideas and perform the same acts of violence?

Can someone explain how a religious person can value an unborn life more than the value of the mother?

Can someone explain how we value the natural resources of a country more than the people?

Can someone explain how a democracy protects dictators and not democracy elsewhere?

Can someone explain how a democracy can support military juntas and dictators elsewhere? Even overthrowing democracies to do so?

Can someone explain how a democracy can espouse human rights and freedoms but refuse to sign treaties to protect those very rights and freedoms?

Can someone explain how a democracy can be the world's largest producer and seller of military weapons and technology?

Can someone explain how a democracy demand the sovereignty of their nation but deny the sovereignity of other nations?

Can someone explain how we are one of a few, if not the only, nation to refuse to sign treaties banning landmines, cluster bombs, torture and other military technology and interrogation techniques?

Can someone explain how we can sign the Geneva Convention and then decide it doesn't apply to us? And the only leader in the world who declares it useless?

Can someone explain why we can see ourselves as the world sees us?

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